Editing queue.

Last Updated: 8th September

Here’s a list of our current workflow – Find your names on the list to see where you are in our editing process – The digital darkroom! We’ve compiled this list so that you, our lovely couples, can see where you are in our workflow to get a better idea of how much longer you’ll be waiting to see your final images!

We so appreciate your patience at this point, we know how exciting it is to see your wedding gallery, so hopefully being able to track their progress helps! Our priority is making sure your photos get the love and time they deserve so we don’t rush them! We promise they’re worth the wait.

Our current turn around time for June weddings is approximately 12 weeks from your wedding date, but we’re always burrowing away at editing them to perfection, so keep checking back to follow them – It’s a bit like ordering pizza!


Status Overview

USB packaging and backup | 100%
The final step. We’ll package everything up and send it on to you via recorded delivery.

Online Gallery upload | 90%
Your photos are finished, they’re being uploaded to our online gallery system and you’ll have a link to view them soon, get ready! 

Fim production | 80%
If you opted for video, Dan is in the editing cave with it right now! 

Round 2 edit | 50%
Right now your images are being edited in our signature style, each one by hand to ensure they’re looking their best. 

Sneak Peek | 30%
We’re putting together a sneak peek for you now – Around 20 images. 

Image selection | 20%
We’re going through each photo taken on your day to choose the very best! No test shots or duplicates! 

Files Downloaded and backed up | 10%
Your photos have been downloaded and safely backed up ready for selection.


Roxie & Jamie



Skye & Sam



Beth & Ryan

round 2 edit


Sophie & Edward

Round 2 Edit


Charlotte & Michael

sneak peek


Tom & Sarah

Sneak Peek


Sean & Emma

Sneak Peek


Mia & Neil

Sneak Peek


Olivia & James

Sneak Peek


Victoria & George

Sneak Peek


Sarah & Dan

Sneak Peek


Gemma & Alistair

Sneak Peek


Callum & Lucy

Sneak Peek


Katie & Kane

Sneak Peek


Katie & Bailey

Sneak Peek


Flora & Poppie

Sneak Peek


Leah & James

Sneak Peek


Emma & Jeff

Sneak Peek


Sophie & Tobias

Sneak Peek


Jo & Tim

Sneak Peek


Jamie & Jade

Backed Up


Paris & Rameez

Backed Up


name & name

Backed Up


name & name

Gallery Upload


Name & Name

Backed Up


name & name

Backed Up


name & name

Gallery Upload